Elevate Your Energy with Blood-Boosting Nutrients

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Last updated on May 6th, 2023 at 06:02 am

Blood boosting nutrients are those nutrients that can be used to increase the number of red blood cells or RBCs in the body. RBCs also called erythrocytes are vital for our health and play an important role in carrying oxygen to different organs of the body. RBCs have hemoglobin which carries oxygen molecules from the lungs to the other parts of the body and that is why a low RBC count or hemoglobin count leads to fatigue, shortness of breath, and other health issues. To avoid this we must maintain a healthy and nutritious diet to boost the production of RBCs. Also, there are some supplements that can aid in increasing the production of RBCs which we will discuss in this article. However, it’s important to know that some of these nutrients like iron can cause health issues if taken in large amounts, thus it is important to know the proper dosage and uses of these nutrients.

What is blood?

Blood is essential to our lives and is present in all the organs and cells of the body except the cornea. It is a fluid that supplies cells of the body with oxygen and other nutrients and carries carbon and other waste from these cells to organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys to get filtered and reoxygenated. This movement of blood in the body is controlled by the heart which pumps it throughout the body. Blood is made up of Plasma, Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White blood cells (WBCs), and platelets.

RBCs are around 45% of total blood volume while plasma which is made up of proteins, hormones, nutrients, and waste products is around 55% of total blood volume. Platelets and WBCs are less than 1% of the total volume of the blood in your body.
All these components of the blood have different and important functions necessary for our health.
RBCs contain hemoglobin which is a protein that carries not only oxygen but other molecules including nitric oxide and releases it along with the oxygen to the cells across the body to promote aerobic function. This aerobic function is needed for the energy production in the cells to perform any task. RBCs are produced in the red bone marrow after it gets triggered by erythropoietin which is a hormone produced by the kidneys.

White blood cells also called leukocytes are our body’s first line of defense against pathogens. These cells are produced in the bone marrow and mature in lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus glands. White blood cells ( WBCs) are present in the range of 4500 to 11000 cells per cubic ml of total blood. These blood cells are fewer in number but larger in size compared to RBCs, however, there are multiple different types of WBCs that are present in our blood which are differentiated on the basis of granules- if the granules are present it’s called granulocytes, if the granules are absent then its called agranulocytes.
Higher than normal WBC levels are used as an indicator to detect the presence of an existing infection.

Other than these two components of blood there are two more, plasma and platelets.
Plasma is the single largest component of blood and it gives blood its volume as plasma is made of 92% water, 7% of the plasma is made up of waste material and vital proteins which are required to trigger clotting, and fight infections, the rest 1% of the plasma consists of sugar, minerals, hormones, and vitamins.

Platelets are the smallest component of the blood and function as a natural bandage to stop bleeding as these are smaller than other blood cells, it gets pushed outwards and forms a mesh behind a cut or a wound which helps in the slowing down of the bleeding. Platelets are produced in the bone marrow by megakaryocyte cells.

Blood boosting nutrients Sources Benefits & Dosage-

Blood is a vital connective tissue present in every cell of our body. Its main functions include carrying oxygen and nutrients, removing waste from cell sites, and regulating body temperature. Any decrease in the amount of its four components can lead to several health issues, both chronic and acute.

A decrease in the amount of blood and its components can cause anemia. Which can be mitigated by increasing the intake of certain nutrients that aid in the production of blood cells.

Some of these nutrients include:

1- Iron

Iron is an essential nutrient for the production of red blood cells (RBCs) and plays a vital role in various functions in the body. Approximately 70% of the total iron present in our bodies is found in hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron is also essential for the production of myoglobin, a protein that stores oxygen in muscle tissue. Additionally, iron is required for the production of enzymes involved in energy production and DNA synthesis, necessary for cell growth and cell repair. Iron is also necessary for the production of RBCs in the bone marrow.

Iron deficiency occurs when the body’s iron stores become depleted (due to low iron intake or absorption), leading to a condition called iron-deficient erythropoiesis. If iron deficiency worsens, it can eventually result in anemia, a condition in which the body is unable to produce enough hemoglobin, leading to decreased oxygen availability to tissues and organs. Therefore, maintaining adequate iron stores in the body is crucial for the proper functioning of the body.

Of the total 4 grams of iron present in the human body, 2.8 grams is used in hemoglobin production, as such, we must maintain adequate levels of iron in the body to avoid iron deficiency. We need around 1.5 mg of iron every day to replace the iron which is lost or used. Some foods which are good sources of dietary iron are:
Heme Iron* Foods: Heme iron is present in animal protein.


  • Beef
  • Pork
  • lamb. (organ meat has a higher concentration of heme iron)


  • Tuna
  • Shrimps
  • Oysters
  • Shellfish
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies

*Heme iron is present in animal proteins.

Non-heme Iron foods: Not as quickly absorbed as it requires more enzymes to be metabolized.

Vegetables: Potatoes, broccoli, kale, turnip, collard greens, spring beans, dandelion, tomatoes.

Legumes/nuts: lima beans, peas, pinto beans, black-eyed peas, almonds, cashew, sesame seeds, flax seeds.

Packaged foods fortified with iron like pasta, and rice.

2- Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 also known as Cobalamin is one of the largest and most structurally complex vitamins which has cobalt at its center. It’s a water-soluble vitamin that is essential in the production of blood cells. Vitamin B12 contains a corrin ring that surrounds the cobalt at the center, methyl groups, ribose, phosphates, and adenine.

These compounds are broken down and absorbed in the stomach and then are bound by intrinsic factor proteins in the small intestine and get absorbed in the bloodstream which carries these complexes to the bone marrow to be used in the production of blood cells.

Vitamin B12 deficiency hampers our body’s ability to produce enough blood cells to replace the old and dead blood cells with new cells. When your body can not produce blood cells it leads to anemia and results in fatigue, weakness, a compromised immune system, and brain fog.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be avoided by including foods in our diet, which are rich in vitamin B12. Some of those foods which are rich in B12 also contain other B vitamins which further boost blood production.

Foods that contain B12 are:

Meats, Seafood, and Poultry

  • Clam
  • Trouts
  • Organ meat
  • Tuna
  • Beef
  • Ham
  • Chicken breasts
  • Eggs


  • Yogurt
  • Low Fat Milk

Packaged Foods

  • B12 Fortified cereals
  • Ready to Eat Meals fortified with B12

B12 is found in higher concentrations of animal protein, people who are vegan or vegetarian might need B12 supplements to meet B12 RDA.

3- Folate

Folate is a vitamin of the B complex and it is also known as vitamin B9. Folates are essential for DNA synthesis which is required in the process of new cell formation, which is why it is important in the production of blood cells as well.

Folate contains tetrahydrofolate, the enzyme which is required by the bone marrow in the synthesis of Red blood cells. Tetrahydrofolate promotes the production of stem cells which are converted to different blood cells including RBCs, WBCs, and platelets.

Folate deficiency can lead to anemia and low blood cell count along with other health problems.

There are several foods that are a good source of folate and should be a part of your diet. Foods that contain Folate in high amounts are:


  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Collard
  • Turnips
  • Asparagus


  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Peas

Packaged foods: *fortified with folic acid

  • Bread
  • Cereals
  • Pasta


  • Avocados
  • Durian
  • Oranges
  • Mango
  • Pomegranates
  • Kiwis
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas

4- Vitamin C

Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid is a nutrient that helps in the production of collagen which gives structure and shape to the blood vessels an essential factor in the body’s ability to utilize any nutrition properly.
However, the most important function of vitamin C in the production of blood is that it helps in the absorption of nonheme iron in the body by reacting with plant-based iron it forms complexes that are then easily absorbed. Therefore it’s important to maintain adequate levels of vitamin C in the body, especially for those who have a restricted diet.

To know about the food sources of vitamin C and its benefits you can visit our article on VITAMIN C.

5- Copper

Copper is required in the production of ceruloplasmin which is required in the transport of iron in the blood. Copper is required in the incorporation of iron into the hemoglobin. Copper activates enzymes called ferroxidases which convert iron from its ferrous state to its ferric state through the process of oxidation. The ferric form of iron is more stable and easily incorporated into the hemoglobin.

These properties of copper are vital in the production of hemoglobin. In the case of copper deficiency, the production of hemoglobin would be affected. To avoid that we must include copper-rich foods in our diets.

Some of those foods are:

  • Liver (beef and lamb)
  • Ham
  • Turkey
  • Duck
  • Steaks
  • Bison


  • Oysters
  • Calamari
  • Crab
  • Lobster
  • Cuttlefish
  • Shrimps
  • Anchovies


  • Mushrooms
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Turnip greens
  • Beans
  • Spinach


  • Avocados
  • Durian
  • Pomegranates
  • Mango
  • Berries

6- Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another important nutrient that promotes the production of blood cells. As a potent antioxidant, it protects RBCs from degradation and malfunction by removing the effects of Oxidative stress which can shorten the 120 days life span of RBCs.
Vitamin E which is a fat-soluble vitamin works to strengthen the cell membrane and structure of RBCs by maintaining its fluidity and flexibility which is important for the longevity of the cell membrane.


Blood is an important element of the body’s circulatory system which carries nutrients, oxygen, and metabolic waste throughout the body. It is made up of RBCs, WBCs, platelets, and plasma all of which have important functions including respiration, immunity regulation, wound healing, and hormone transfer. Blood also regulates body temperature. Given its role as a life-carrying liquid, it is important to ensure that the body has enough resources to produce and maintain a constant supply of different blood cells. Nutrients like Iron, Copper, and Vitamins are the building blocks of blood cells without these nutrients the production of blood cells can not happen and the body would suffer from a condition known as anemia which can be mitigated by including foods that are rich in the above-mentioned nutrients to boost blood production in the body.